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Big beautiful women - everything you need to know about them
BIG Beautiful Women is also widely used as an abbreviation in the singular as BBW (Big Beautiful Women). This article is about this term, its origin and meaning. It also looks at the differences and connections between BBW and other phenomena such as Fat Admirer, Chubby Fetish or Weight Gain Fantasy.
What exactly does Big Beautiful Women mean?
The term Big Beautiful Women was originally adopted in the USA to refer to beautiful but obese women. Big Beautiful Women is associated with eroticism and sex, but also occurs in the field of organisations against discrimination. These organisations work to strengthen the self-confidence of big women. Often it is mainly about obesity that has arisen without a background such as various sex preferences or fetishism. Even though many women fight against obesity, some, e.g. Big Beautiful Women, are quite happy with their weight. Some relationships have been based on BBW because the man was looking for a more obese partner. However, sexual reasons do not necessarily play a role here. Some people find chubby women or even men more pleasant.
For the classification as Big Beautiful Women, a body weight of about 40 kg above the normal weight is considered to be a rough estimate. Whether this is due to lack of exercise, deliberate action or predisposition is not decisive.
Interesting in this context are stories on the internet that have to do with weight gain fantasy. These are usually sexually or fetishistically inclined stories about women who desperately want to increase their weight. Often such stories go far beyond the limits of reality. When, for example, some women are reported to weigh more than several hundred or even more than a thousand kilos. This goes in the direction of Super Sized Big Beautiful Women (SSBBW), the superlative of BBW. Such obese and, for some men, then attractive women have weights of 140 to 150 kg.
Feeding and fat fetishism
Big Beautiful Women can also be partners in a relationship with a feeder and a feedee. The feeder is usually the man, the woman becomes a BBW or even a SSBBW with overeating. Both partners feel sexual excitement. Especially the man when his partner has reached a desired overweight. Here, usually for both partners, a certain sexual fantasy plays an important role. There are cases of fat fetishism, where women eat more and more out of pleasure in their own fat bodies. They look at themselves in the mirror and are proud of marked fat deposits. This often has nothing to do with partners, it clearly goes in the direction of the weight gain fantasy already mentioned.
Fat admirer - one who admires Big Beautiful Women.
Fat admiring can be related to sexual attraction by fat people, pure admiration or a kind of fetishism (fat fetish). For example, a fat admirer is usually a man who prefers slightly chubby partners (BBW). However, he secretly appreciates heavyweight women even more. There is often fear behind it because of social prejudices. This tendency also exists among women. They are then BBW as female, the corresponding male version is Big Handsome Men (BHM).
Somewhere among fat, obese and chubby -- from BBW to SSBBW
Such terms, like chubby, corpulent or fat, all refer to the generic term "overweight". The terms "fat" and "chubby" have different connotations. They can be meant negatively or positively, or they can just be understood that way. In connection with the word fat, the trend is more towards positive aspects (BBW). In the case of fat (SSBBW), on the other hand, negative connotations are more likely. After all, everyone associates this term with an almost huge belly, an extensive waistline and mostly flabby arms and thighs. However, we often forget that it is not only too much food or too little exercise that makes people fat. Predispositions and other factors that cannot be controlled may also play a role. When we think of the term chubby, we tend to think of comfortable and cosy, which also goes in the direction of BBW, i.e. fat, beautiful woman. With BBW, larger breasts, a bigger butt and a relatively small waist tend to get the rating Beautiful. This is perhaps the reason for the high level of awareness and the positive assessment of BBW.
Regardless of whether it is eroticism, general interest or the search for sympathetic partners, BBW is also often represented in advertisements (internet/newspaper).
SSBBW, on the other hand, does not have such a high profile, perhaps because there is a little more negativity.
After all, weights of 140 kg and more are not necessarily Big Beautiful Women. Between obesity and slight overweight, there are appropriate limits. Chubby Fetish can rather be assigned to slight overweight.
Fetishism -- the charm and magic of the extraordinary.
Fetishism is the obsessive attachment to a fetish. It can be an object, item of clothing, body part or perhaps even just a fantasy. Fetishism can lead to sexual excitement, but it can also occur in everyday life in addition to the erotic sphere. For example, if a tidiness fetishist always puts things in a certain order, it has nothing to do with sex. BBW can also be linked to fetishism, for example, when feeding caloric food leads to sexual desire. While for Feeding the term fetishism fits quite well into the overall concept, for Big Beautiful Women a term like normality is more appropriate.
Conclusion on Big Beautiful Women
Big beautiful women should have self-confidence enough to be proud of their figure. Whether consciously or accidentally getting overweight, there are many men who love it in women. Fetish or not, everyone should live the way they feel comfortable. A woman can feel great about being a BBW. If not, she can always return to the "normal" circle. As a healthy woman, there is not much wrong with suitable nutrition and generally correct lifestyle. In a relationship, too, overweight women can usually get along quite well. After all, there are many men today who are especially attracted to women with curves and a few rolls.
Big Beautiful Women are sometimes real desirable women who can also clearly distinguish themselves from other special, negative stereotypes. So everything is fine with BBW!